June 29, 2010

busy busy

so today we had that extension music exam
and it just happened to be on the coldest day ever T___T
my fingers were soooo cold
i took like 2 hours to warm them up
and even so, they were still cold xO

all thanks to jade's AWESOME idea
she bought appletiser & plastic champagne glassess
and the textiles class made a toast to ms aroyan :D
who surprised us by making PIES :D
it was a nice lesson (:
you can click on the images to see them bigger (i think)

FREE PERIOD & rest of yesterday

ms deagle saw a rainbow lorikeet (?) outside the room
and decided to feed it :D
it actually ate from her hand!! O:

it doesn't feel like the last week of term...
i'm looking forward to the holidays
but at the same time, i'm not
this whole hsc thing still hasn't really really REALLY kicked in for me... yet...
like... i'm watching nodame cantabile right now instead of doing work T___T

 hmm i am really anticipating that cher bag :D
i think it's gna take a week or 2 though xO!
but at least i know it's coming :D

also can't wait for my pay to come in from work!!
i've literally used up all of my last holiday's earnings from work
i feel so deprived without money x(!
i really dnt know where all the money goes though xO
one minute it's there
next second it's gone
i dnt think i'll be going out much this holidays
so i can save my earnings for kinokuniya trips :D!

anywaaay i'm going to bed now!
FINALLY an early-ish night 8)
ANDDDD i've got a heater in my room  :D
got it out tonight :D WOOO!
i spent ages this morning changing into my uniform cause it was so cold xO
i'll be able to toast my clothes on the heater tmrw morning :D!!
goodnight blogland :D

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