July 13, 2010

"can i have a filet BUUURG"

 the number of annoying and hilarious customers are too many to count

most memorable funny customer :
" hi giv mee a filet buurg and a zinger buuurg thankyou"
puahahaha a buuurg?
suuure xD

most memorable (not really) annoying cutomer:
"give me a bag"
*getting bag and opening it up for the stupid fat customer*
"chop chop!"
wtf! do it yourself then >:/

i served a customer who sounded horrible
she was obviously a smoker
and she stank
her teeth were black and looked like they were going to fall off at any moment
her voice was horrible
when she spoke, that smoking ad popped up in my brain
she ordered chips
i thought of how hard it must be for her to swallow those hard fried potato chip smothered in salt
don't smoke...
if you smoke... you're an idiot
and your just guaranteeing yourself a shorter life

after work i got a chatime :D!
uji match milk tea +sugar -ice sub grass jelly for red bean
yea! that's my usual order these days :D
you should try it! 
it's soooo nice 8)

met yat on the train who was on the way home from some lecture
of course out comes the camera :D

i dont know about you
but i reaaaally like that feeling i get
when i'm caught up amongst all the people going home from work
amongst peak hour when there are masses of people trying to get to trains
i like that feeling :D

i should really do that now xD
waking up at 7:30 probably earlier tmrw
secret mission 8)
let's hope it works :D

1 comment:

  1. D:
    You like the feeling of being squashed!?
    That's weird lol
