July 26, 2010

saigonsaigon & my ALMOST chatime

last night my bro took us out to eat at glebe pt rd :D
we ate at this restaurant called saigon saigon
it looked really awesome!
AND it was soooo yummy 8)
we got free lemon sodas too
cause my bro had like "connections" with one of the waiters
LOL nooo it was just that my bro remembered the waiter & the waiter remembered my bro
so he offered us the sodas for free :D
they were soo nice 8)
i'll let the pictures to the talking
and you guys can do the drooling 8)

this is what i regard as the bestestest newest addition to the bubble tea chain of aus
new chatime store means BUY 1 GET 1 FREEEE 8)
only until this saturday though.. i think xO

SOOOO! the bus got to ewood
we got off and we run to chatime
only to find a huuuge crowd of people already there T___T
( the chatime people were SMART unlike the EASYWAY PEOPLE 
and constructed their shop so the shopfront faced the STREETS
rather than like easyway where the shopfront faces the INSIDE of the shop causing huge people congestion! )
so we line up, and it takes like 10-15 minutes for us to get to the front of the line
i am overjoyed UNTIL i decide to look at my watch
it was approximately 3:43PM
i had to be at the bustop by 3:45 or i would have to wait another 30minutes for the next bus to come
i had to choose
chatime or bus....
and i had tutor....
hence i had to choose the latter T^T
i was sooo saaad T____T
you do not understand my need for chatime xO
i CAN NOT not drink it
it is like.... drugs in bubble tea form xO
yes i love chatime sooo much
that i forced asked gus to take a photo of me and jacky which i also forced asked to take a photo with me
yes... i LOVE chatime <3 <3

i was THISSSS close to getting a chatime
but i had to go x'(
i was sooooo sad ):

i'm having lots of idea for what i want to do after hsc
NUMBER 1 on my list: 
(we actually did this many holdiays ago, and SUCCEEDED)
running in the mornings feels REAAALLY good
and because you're up early, you feel like you've made use of your day
and the day seems super duper satisfyingly long (:

NUMBER 2 on my list:
make a tonne of stuff and hire a stall at the markets one weekend
i thought that maybe i'd have a go and see how my stuff sells at markets :D
problem is.. i hate making things more than once
so everything will have to be one-off and unique or. i can persevere and make lots of the one thing xO

NUMBER 3 on my list:
set up an online shop???
hmmmmm this should be last on my last actually...
my bro said i should start locally?
 sigh... all these things i'm planning to do after the hsc
i'm happy thinking about them :D
but... let's see if i actually get round to doing them xO
NO i can't say that
i WILL do these things after the HSC
i will make use of my time
drama LOTS in the process 8)
and lose all my HSC weight as well
so i can be nice and thin for my trip back to taiwan at the end of next year
so that i don't have to put up with relatives saying that i'm fat...  T__T

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