music is taking me places i've never been before..
that's what i imagine would be the same if i chose music as my career path..
that's what's kind of tempting me want to go with my second option...
NO! music is stressful >:(
so much time & money has been wasted on lessons..
SO! yesterday i set off for lidcombe to meet with the accompaniest i decided to go with
thanks to jade & her mum for their input xO
another place i've never been to
the accompanist was really nice and said she could pick me up @ lidcombe station
i got there about 40mins earlier cause i was so worried i'd be late..
wandered around for a bit
it seems like a boring suburb O:
very similar to ewood in that half of the area is korean and half of it is... white?
her name is mrs park and she was totally different to what i had expected
she was really young O:!
and quite fashionable!
ANDD super laid back
she was talkative too
i found out she teaches at tara girls high, UNSW and all this other stuff i don't even remember
her house was sooo home-y and colourful
and not 'korean' at all
i quickly snapped a photo whilst she went to get the keyboard O:
couldn't resist as it was soo pretty O:
i want a house like this!
i want a house like this!
but yes she was pretty good seeing as she only had the music for one night
and it was a hard piece
so fingers crossed she'll only get better x/
so yes i did end up ripping them
the rip is kind of a bit too small for my liking
but i was scared it wouldn't turn out right...
ended up sewing a piece of fabric underneath too...
it looks funny when i'm walking cause it's all crinkled together...
but it looks ok when i'm sitting and bending my legs as it's all stretched out
think i'll rip more holes...
yat asked is i could hem up a couple of pants
i agreed as it gave me a chance to sew properly
haven't sewed in ages..
the majority of my majorwork didn't need much machine sewing so i really missed sewing x'(
one word
i have becomelike a...
constantly wanting to sleep when i've already had sufficient sleep
and so lazy that i don't want to do anything
can't wait till graduation when i'm done with high school
but then again.. i don't want grad to come either...
i don't want high school to end..
yet i do...
hello snorlax x)!!