August 9, 2010


i hate music 2 right now
i hate how you have theory
i hate how you have a composition due tmrw
i just hate  hate hate hate hate you right now

i want to play the electric violin :D!
maybe after HSc i can start? :D
i've always wanted to play a stringed instrument
or maybe the double bass? :D
look how freakin AWESOME it looks man :D
this kind is $661
that's actually pretty ok!
considering the better ones are like $1000+ xO
i should get a job with better pay :/
not saying i have bad pay right now
but i started off with $7/hr
and it's been almost 2 years and i'm finally $11.8/hr (:
compared to others... i have the worst pay though T___T

time is running out like crazy
i'm actually KIND OF glad the trials are now
so that we get like FULL days that we can work on majorworks
not that i really make use of them.......
so i got home at around 1 today
and handsew-ed for like 4 hours straight
never knew it would take so long T_____T
it doesn' t even look that great..
and it doesn't even look like i've spent that much time on it
but i've finally finished one' section' i guess you could say of my major PROPERLY T___T
in case ur wondering what i'm talking about...
i'm talking about those little crosses that you can barely see T____T

hehe shared between 4 people :D
it was a nice meal
not too much not too little :D
sakae is yummay :D!

1. i think i'll draw my final design after i post this...
2. OMG TAEJOON! the mpc ceiling is fineee O:
3. i should do music...... really cbf'ed
4. i want to sleep so bad
5. can't wait till all this shit is over....

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