August 29, 2010

some other time

i have 5 minutes to quickly type this up...
i was planning to blog about my weekend
consisting of open days & the gambling course and whatnot
but i guess i caught up with trying to type of my extension hist synopsis...
i don't think i'll be blogging properly for this coming week
i'll be finishing off my hist ext majorwork
and my music majorwork....

and just when i thought i had no more majorworks
two more pop up and say hi T____T
they're both due next week monday & tuesday...
cannot wait till this is over xO

one thing i WILL blog about though
is this ring :D
jade & me both bought one today :D
we saw it a few weeks ago...
a week or so after trials we were @ top ryde and we spotted these pretty rings!
and then for the few weeks after we saw them i couldn't stop thinking about it
and today we went to buy them :D
this is like the first time i've ever bought a ring O:
i don't tend to wear stuff on my wrists/fingers apart from my dear watch because it gets in the way
but i think i'm starting to get a ring fetish 8)
it was the BEST $39.95 i have ever spent on a piece of jewellery :D

ok goodnight now!! xO
see you next time!!!
PS: it's 11:11.. make a wish?

1 comment:

  1. If it's 11:11, you should make a wish!
    And I'm not a ring-wearer myself (is ring-wearer even a word?!), but for a ring like this one, I would most definitely make an exception!
